


  • 量身定制的建议:
    • 在了解了你的必威betwat史之后, 最喜欢的食物, 饮食及运动习惯, a Registered Dietitian will help you set and prioritize your health goals.
    • Follow-up visits will help maintain and monitor your progress.
  • 帮助管理慢性病:
    • A dietitian will review your blood work and lab results to help you understand your health condition and provide education about the nutrients that affect it.
  • A Healthy Eating Plan That Works For You:
    • A Registered Dietitian can work with you to create a healthy, sustainable eating plan that you can stick with long-term without developing negative thought patterns about food.
  • Guidance for Food Allergies, Sensitivities and Intolerances:
    • A Registered Dietitian can teach you how to read food labels so you will know which ingredients to avoid, and help you find substitutions to keep your diet balanced and tasty too!


Many insurance providers pay for the cost of an appointment with a Registered Dietitian for a variety of health conditions, 比如糖尿病, 减肥, 高血压, 慢性肾病, 高胆固醇, 食物过敏, 心脏病和其他疾病.

Although 家庭必威betwat服务 accepts all insurance plans, not all insurance providers may cover your visit with a Registered Dietitian. 例如, 如果你有医疗保险的话, then you will likely be covered for diabetes or stage 3- or 5-慢性肾病. For Medicaid plans, most health diagnoses will be covered. Private insurances will vary by the carrier plans.

必威betwat提供 浮动收费标准 for insurances that do not cover visits with a Registered Dietitian.

Meet Leslie Johnson, MS, RD, LD, Food is Medicine Program Director!

Picture of Leslie Johnson, Licensed and Registered Dietitian

Leslie is passionate about the spread of sound 营养与必威betwat information and seeks to explain both the “what” and the “how” behind key concepts to help individuals make empowered and personalized health decisions.


Leslie Johnson graduated from Transylvania University in Lexington, KY, with her Bachelor of Arts in Nutrition and Sustainability. She continued her education at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, graduating with her Master of Science in Nutrition Communications, 干预, 和行为改变. Leslie then went on to complete the requirements to become a Registered Dietitian and completed a year of supervised practice at Duke University Hospital. She is passionate about all people having access to fresh, nutritious food that can help keep their bodies healthy and is excited to provide nutrition counseling for patients at FHS.


  • Uses evidence-based science to help provide the most accurate, 有关食物的最新资料, 营养与必威betwat.
  • Delivers credible and reliable nutritional education.
  • Develops a tailored and personalized approach to help you achieve your health goals.
  • Provides you with support, motivation and reassurance.


  • 神话: 营养师是严格的! They will give me harsh rules to follow regarding my diet and lifestyle.
  • 事实: RDs work with you to help you understand your lifestyle and needs. 我们提供信息, 鼓励, and resources to help you make changes that will allow you to meet your personal health goals. It is important for us to meet you where you are and make recommendations or suggestions to help you improve your health and wellbeing.
  • 神话: A RD will judge the way I am currently feeding myself and/or my family.
  • 事实: 在RDs, we aim to help people gain knowledge and confidence when caring for themselves, 他们的孩子, 和所爱的人. RDs provide information on self-care, family meals, infant feeding and much more! If you feel your routines could use some improvement or are unsure of where to begin, this is where a dietitian can offer you guidance. 不管你现在在做什么, RDs are never here to judge or be negative; we are here to help you improve you and your family’s health.
  • 神话: Why should I pay a RD when I can find all the information I need online.
  • 事实: Information found online can be difficult to navigate and often misleading which can be problematic to achieving your health goals. 作为RD, we rely on evidence-based information to provide you with accurate, safe recommendations for you and your family. Many people also report that they “know what to do” but may struggle to follow through. A RD helps you break down barriers and obstacles, 提供支持和指导, and help you to navigate your way towards reaching your health goals – whether that is understanding a new diabetes diagnosis, 计划家庭膳食, 或者理解食物过敏. It can be helpful to have someone who you can share questions with, express concerns to and get real feedback!
  • 神话: I already know how to manage my health, I don’t need someone to tell me what I already know.
  • 事实: Sometimes knowing what do to is the easy part, and the difficulty is applying the knowledge in a way that makes sense for you and your lifestyle. RDs will help you apply the knowledge learned while settings achievable and realistic goals to work towards long-term success over time.

To schedule with our Registered Dietitian, please call us at 419-502-2800!